Gift List

This fall, I’ve been thinking more about things I can give to others, rather than just accumulating more stuff for myself. I love “me-time” and getting a new blouse or gloves, but sometimes I find that I get more of a thrill from making someone else’s day, giving them a call or surprising them with a gift. Even though I’ve made my own holiday wishlist,  I decided to create one for gifts to give the people around us. I’m a big believer in the saying that it’s the thought that counts and like giving gifts that people can use or that might add a little luxury to their day. It might be a bit self-serving but I also like gifts to seem like they’d actually come from me (and not like a re-gift or cast out). My aesthetic trends toward modern and polished with touches of glamour and I like when my gifts refelct that.


One of my biggest pet peeves in the colder months is dry skin. Therefore, I would love to give someone this hydrating hand cream kit from L’Occitane. This three-piece set is $28 at Nordstrom.


I always feel disorganized and messy when I have 15 small items crowded at the bottom of my purse. These little silcone “purses” can store anything from headphones to actual coins. They can be found on Amazon.

la mer

Oxblood or whatever you want to call this color is so hot this season and I can’t fathom a skin tone that this color wouldn’t flatter. This La Mer wrap watch via Need Supply adds style and class to any girl, from the fashionista to the book worm.


Candles are such an underrated home accent. They can set the mood for dinner for two, throwing a dinner party, relaxing in a tub and masking any unwanted smells (I’ve used candles to cover the fact that I burned my rice! So embarassing). My fiance and I are buying one of their parfums this winter and think their candles would make great gifts. This set retails for $95 at Bond No. 9.

Ah the gift of time! This clock from the MoMa design store is so simple that it could blend in with a variety of interior decorating styles, especially those that are more modern.

I love drinking tea and find the whole process very relaxing. My favorites right now are honey, vanilla, chamomile and french chai teas. This loose tea by Laudree not only encourages the recipient to take a break, but it also adds a little luxury to his or her day.


If any of your friends are recent graduates or journalists, consider this journal (I know I’ll definitely be gifting myself with this journal!). I’ve been working for about 6 months now and think it looks more professional to take notes in a leather bound journal than a memo pad or spiral notebook (no loose sheets!).  It retails for $44 at Need Supply.

Happy Shopping!